Keeping occupied - activities to stay busy:

CLICK picture for the first ever Young Money Challenge, launched in February 2020. Children and young people are encouraged to consider the connection between money management and wider issues affecting their local and global communities.

CLICK to download challenges and activities from Nuffield Health. Keep happy, healthy & active at home by exploring new ways to eat well, move well, sleep well and feel well.

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The reality is that you will want to watch TV while at home. ‘Into Film’ have released a number of their resources which transform your usual film viewing into meaningful learning.

CLICK for lots of activities from Into Film.

CLICK for Into Film Puffin storyboard competition – win books for school and the chance to have a storyboard idea turned into a film.

CLICK for Into Film’s Film of the month – with plenty of film making going on already why not see if you can create something of competition quality.

CLICK for Review 100: a social media review writing competition.